Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Wow, what a difference 6 months can make...

Still in lockdown in New Zealand, going back to Level 3 next week,
which will not change much for me personally, as having ME/CFIDS
I will be extra careful still. Getting priority for grocery deliveries has
been a godsend, all I've ventured out for is fuel for the farm.
I will like the opportunity to order goods next week - including Stampin Up
of course.

The retiring list is out tomorrow, so I will be placing an order,
for the people who have contacted me. AND this could be the last one -
I am not meeting the minimums required
so it could be a retirement for me as well!

I do still plan to have classes at the farm here, when allowed. We were going
to start on 4th April, but that was locked down. I haven't crafted much,
with paper, in the last 6 months. I do aim to. as I do have BOXES  and shelves
of crafty stuff.

Please get in touch if you want items from Stampin Up,
I will be stocking up on adhesive, 12 x 12 cardstock and I must get that Tropical item
I wanted....
Tropical Oasis suite in Jan-June 2020 mini catalogue